This time last year, I was suffering through the editing of Telling Hands. It was a very hard time for me, as a writer, I could see many different roads to take the story down. I sometimes think about how I might write it differently if I were to write the same story today. As we grow, and change, our perspective changes with us, so it might automatically have some differences.
When I finally had combed over the unpublished manuscript enough times to almost drive myself crazy, I had to work up the strength to put it out there. That was hard.
Then, waiting while people read my first book, a sponge that I became water and poured myself into, was equally as challenging. To create art of any form, I believe you have to lose the fear of being wrong. So, I tried to lose the fear and stop limiting myself just for the sake of limiting myself. Hard.
As I look back now with my 20/20 vision, I can see where I could've done a few things differently in the liberating of myself of my first 32 years. But, I am thankful for the lessons it has brought me. Everyday is a learning experience, and everyday I am thankful for being on God's earth. I am thankful for my family, and friends; you.
As you may know, I have bought a gas-station. I am giving it a slash and making it a gas-station/bait shop. I had never been a business woman really, but I do admire them. True to form, I jumped in head long and have been learning the many lessons only owning a small business can teach you, as I go. That has been fulfilling work, because of the support I have been given.
Also, I was included in the filming of a movie. That was very exciting for me. To quote the short description on their facebook page, Woodlawn is:
A film based on an inspiring real-life story about love and unity in a school torn by racism and hate in the 1970s.
That was the perfect film for me to support, a film about Alabama, Alabama football, love, and unity, so I am thankful for the opportunity to be involved. My little role didn't have any lines, but when you watch the big scenes at the game located at Legion Field, you may see me. And, some of the prom scenes will likely have a familiar chaperone in a blue-ish dress. So, that's awesome.
And now, to turn and look at the upcoming year in 2015, I can say that I hope it is less hard, but I predict now it will be full of changes. I am hammering out the details of my new book, and given that it is my second, it should be easier. The store I have bought is ready to start the process of making it pretty, which will be fun. If I get the chance to be in another movie, I will take it. That was all really amazing.
I may or may not continue to write poetry. I don't have much use for it. I did enjoy painting very much though, and I will continue that. I will write more books, and have ideas of writing ones that will be less intense that my first two have been. Thank God.
I hope to do some travelling at some point in the next year or two. As a memoir writer, I find the "Eat, Pray, Love" story interesting. I would like to do my own version of travelling the world. Of course, I have different places picked out, and I hope not to ever write about it. I have done enough of writing about my life. :)
If in this growth, I have neglected anyone's friendship, I hope they will please forgive me. I have been somewhat of a mess this year. My family and I had to say good bye to my grandmother, Darris. And, I still have all the everyday challenges like sickness and laundry. It has taken up much of my time and this growth has spread me a little thin.
Let us always focus on the positive, and be courageous for the new year. May peace find you, and rest upon you in this season. Pick the greeting you want... Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays.
Jamie Godwin Brooks