Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Telling Hands

I self-published my first book, "Telling Hands" last June. Since then I have been working on another book, actually I have switched back and forth between two manuscripts trying to decide which one I would publish and worked primarily on one for a while. Now, I am back on the other, and plan on finishing both.

I have a tentative publish date for one or both of the stories on March 1, 2015. So, we have that to look forward to.

Also, to let y'all know, you can still order my book, "Telling Hands" from Amazon, or if you know me personally, directly from me. Several of my audience has requested copies, but have fallen through on the payment and/or delivery arrangements. Please contact me to finalize that. If you have read my book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. If you don't feel comfortable with that, let me know how you liked it. I'm always ready to listen to your opinions.

When I looked upon these hands, they told me a story. Then they worked to tell you the story, just to go on and tell more stories. :)

Jamie Godwin Brooks


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