Wednesday, March 18, 2015

More Than Nothing

My new book, "More Than Nothing" is out. It is a story set in present day where one can be overwhelmed by the problems we face in our time. Luke dwells on the negative and loses sight of the bright side. He finds himself isolated from a support system and basically unhappy with the way things are going.

I settled on that title because it is a running theme of the book. Luke needed 'more than nothing' to look forward to in his life and Ella needed 'more than nothing' to want to remain with Luke. I think we all need 'more than nothing' to get by.

When I was writing the book, I tried my hand at painting. This was my first attempt at portrait painting. I wanted to portray the similarities between sunrise and sunset, their correlation to our own life and death, and how in comparison we are insignificant to the more permanent things like the sun and time.

I wrote a poem to accompany the painting. I will include it here for you. It is published in the book as well.

A Light to Rule the Day

Clouds illuminating, the heavenly bodies
Break the hope that doesn’t matter.
Who can say where they start,
In this tangled stretch of time.

The world ever turns.
Light fades and changes,
The wind, she blows,
And howls at the ages.

Passing with urgency, 
In the slow decay we march towards.
Yet, it exists
With a casual irrelevance.
As it rules over us.
This intense psychological thriller was challenging to write. I am by nature a very positive person. I always see the glass as full; half water, half air. I hope I will always push myself to write in a way that connects with you, and I hope you can appreciate my special brand of different.
I got a rough draft started on a new book, inspired in part by one song lyric and an ages old idea. It will be unique in it's own right as a romantic story. After all, I did tell you that my telling hands are unique... they should tell unique stories too.  
Jamie Godwin Brooks
Get the print version of "More Than Nothing" directly from my print service CreateSpace.
Or download it to your Kindle reading app from Amazon and start reading in a matter of minutes.

Copyright 2015 Jamie Godwin Brooks

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