Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dirty Manual Labor

I recently bought the only, long vacant store in my hometown. It is a small 'mom and pop' kind of store. It happens to be the only gas station around for miles, and is situated close to a State Park. I have big plans and a low overhead. The property is in decent shape, but does require some work to get everything in running order. I have just spent a few days immersing myself in dirty, manual labor demolishing the old image and rebuilding a new one.

My name, "Jamie" does mean supplanter. So, it shouldn't come as a shock that I find making an idea a reality, and working hard to further a vision to be one of my life passions. Supplanter means to 'take the place of.' Well, the whole definition according to is "to take the place of, often by trickery or force." That last part is humorous, but I didn't use any trickery or force. As a writer and author, I love words. I love their meaning, I love giving them new meanings and using them in unpredictable ways. Words have power; power to inspire, enlighten, harm, or destroy. I don't know how my parents so aptly named me Jamie, but it fits.

There are a lot of cool things about owning your own business, and with this piece of property, there are many options available. Owning a piece of my hometown will keep me grounded and close to my roots, no matter where my wings take me. As any southerner can tell you, it's important not to get above your raising.

This store, in particular, will revitalize the whole community, and it is exhilarating to be able to give something back to my hometown. I can't exaggerate the amount of positive feedback and encouragement I have been given. Likewise, I can't exaggerate how much I appreciate all the support.

Most people understand, but there's always a few that doesn't. It doesn't matter, I remember back when I knew it all too. Bless their hearts... In the words of Maw, "They'll learn though, won't they?"

To say it like a supplanter and self-described non-conformist; give the doubters a chance, love them anyway, but you don't have to listen to them. You are in charge of your own life.


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